After Like Always: New Works by Daphne Sweet
10/02/2020 - 10/31/2020

Alto Gallery is pleased to present the bold work of Montana-based artist Daphne Sweet in her first solo exhibition in Denver. After Like Always opens First Friday October 2, 6 - 10 PM. Artist in attendance. On view October 2 - 31.
Bouncing between classical references and personal allegory, the paintings and found objects in my work reanimate historical motifs and paintings with bold color, heavy patterning, and playful mark-making.
Using compositions of classical paintings as a direct reference such as the Odalisque, a reinterpretation of an idol painting, or still life the application of material and mark making are done intuitively. My color and line work are continuously informing each other similar to the abstract expressionists. Filled with personal narrative my visual vocabulary is a dialog between these images and icons (Vase, flames, oranges, grapes, cows, phones, cherubs, arrows, drips, tiger stripe, columns, halos) repeating throughout the paintings, and are reflected in physical forms with found objects.
Stoic expressions of classic Greek sculptures, flirtatious line work of Rococo, and graphic patterning cultivated by Matisse, are explored in my work.
Removing the precious/remote view of antiquity and breathing light and playfulness in the work while simultaneously removing the male gaze from the forms and directing a personal narrative.
The vessel is synonymous with the human form.